Why I don’t recommend my clients eat between meals.

The reason is very simple.

Because it impacts your digestive process when you put food on top of food that is still being digested.

When we snack in-between meals throughout the day, we inhibit the MMC (your migrating motor complex) from doing its job.

Whenever calories are consumed, the MMC is turned off for an average of 2 hours.

This also includes things artificial sweeteners and even for some drinking too much too quickly.

This is why having a 4-6 hour break between meals is important for the MMC to work properly.

You actually can hear the MMC doing it’s job. It happens when
your stomach is rumbling and growling.

The MMC’s job is to sweep bacteria and leftover food particles down from the small intestines and into the colon through quick motions.

Think about what happens when that process doesn’t happen 🦠

The MMC is active during periods of fasting and cycles every 90 minutes on average. It is generally most active overnight in the absence of food.

That is why I focus on helping all my clients to feel happy and content with 3 meals a day so their digestion can work to the best of its abilities.

It can take time for them to get to it but when they do it is amazing to see the change in their energy .

I hope you found that helpful.