Christina Andersen



Health, family, relationship, work sometimes it feeling like we have so many plates spinning that we have to drop our own health to latest priority.

We’ve all heard the cliche about fitting our own oxygen mask first.

We know we would be happier and find things easier if we had more energy and better health but finding the time and making it stick seems almost impossible.

And the truth is that doing it using willpower and motivation, it is impossible.
I work with you to find the root cause of your symptoms and to help you create the right habits for you.

Not by forcing them into place or by holding you accountable but by applying the neuroscience principles of habit, functional health approach to body budgeting and emotional intelligence.




A habit is formed when a new behaviour in adopted by the Basal ganglia in the brain.

This occurs when the brain deems the new behaviour to be a more easy, effective, fun, fulfilling method for achieving what it most values. This principle above all else must inform any new action we wish to continue for the long term.  Determination or will power will never be enough, in fact the need for them is a red flag that a habit will not be formed around the new action.



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You’ve been told there is something wrong with you. 

Your hormones are imbalanced, you have female issues that you need to put up with. Perhaps you have even been told that you are weak willed and your problems are your fault. During this powerful diagnostic process all of your symptoms, ailments and struggles will fall into place. You will finally have clarity around ALL of your physical and even emotional health challenges. This POWERFUL first step will move you from passive victim to the empowered action taker that you are.



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The brain has particular regions the job of which is to look out for internal and external threat.

When the brain perceives threats it creates a reaction in order to drive safety creating behaviours. This might be an exaggerated immune response. Strong cravings for sugar or salt. Headaches or a stress response that floods the system with stress hormones.  We will identify and reverse your unique cocktail to drive away your symptoms.



Commitment (Copy)

It is commitment to process that drives success.

During this part of the process we will isolate those things that may have held you back from creating consistency and support you in becoming far more consistent in every area of your life.


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We cannot heal in the same environment we got sick in.

Our internal environment means our nutrients uptake, how we breathe, our water consumption, our lymph flow, our thoughts, consumption of toxins.

Our external environment is the meaning we attach to our body, our clothes, our home, our work, our relationships and even social media.

The fastest way to make changes to your health is to change your environments.

If you are ready to make a change and start getting to the bottom of your symptoms and feel more connected to your body, then my 1:1 ‘Get Healthy” coaching programme might be for you.

This 1:1 programme is for women, that would like to feel good and energised, stop comfort eating, get to the bottom of their symptoms (gut issues, headaches. PMS, pain etc) and feel more connected to your body.

The investment is 5000dkk/ £580 a month.

We will work together for a minimum of 4 months as no one in my experience gets any long lasting results in shorter periods of time.

So if you are ready to make some real and lasting changes then send me a message below and let’s have chat.

Lots of Love
Christina xx

Contact me to find out more