How I went from feeling tired, overwhelmed and lonely To energised, empowered and connected AND the moment that made it possible

I was out walking our dog Rex with Annabelle in the stroller.

 She was about 16 months at the time and I felt all alone, miserable with NO energy and feel frumpy and disconnected from my body. I felt like I had been given a body I didn’t recognise and I didn’t feel safe inside it.

 This time, that was meant to be amazing and wonderful, felt dark and lonely.

 That day I realised that it wasn’t ME there was something wrong with.

 It was my approach to motherhood and this new life I was living that was wrong FOR ME. My moment of transition was when I finally created doubt in my current approach to this life.

 I didn’t have a REALITY problem I had a PROCESS problem and that, I was free to chance.

 The doubt had shown its head for the first time.  

Doubt is the magical first ingredient without which permanent change is impossible.

Because without doubt that your current method will EVER get you the result you desire your change in behaviour will never come.

I had found my doubt, I could see ALL the effects that my current actions were causing and so I was free to create something different.

Interestingly, MOST of what I was doing was what the books, the Doctors, the NHS told me I should or my following what other people were doing that I assumed was working for them.

I decided to start doing what was right for me and what felt most right for my family and my baby.

I’m not saying that life was cupcakes and rainbows  from that moment forward but when you give yourself the freedom to follow your own path you feel far more in control.

I now have a system that I use to help ladies to create this level of freedom for themselves.
