Why would people want to spend time with me?
This is something a client said to me a few months back, which isn’t a rare conversation for me to have with a client.
Friday I had a coaching session with her, we looked over her progress because she is about to do another round of my ‘Rediscover’ programme, so we looked back before looking forward.
She had moved her relationship score from 5 to a 9.
When she started she didn’t believe that she had anything to offer a friendship, that she didn’t have anything to say that people would want to hear.
She used to say “I think people only ask ‘how are you?’ To be nice not because they care.”
Friday she told me how she had booked a walking holiday with a group of friends and how she now every week walk with friends and how much she loves it. It is complete transformation she is a different woman.
To help her get to this point I didn’t hold her accountable or set her weekly goals to spend time with other people.
Instead we worked on her relationship with herself in all aspects of her life and because of that work she did, she has changed her forever.
Because it is never about the thing it is about your relationship with the thing.
Do you ever find yourself questioning your value?
Lots of Love